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Production Nozzles

by FS Solutions Team, on Aug 13, 2020 12:00:00 PM


How To Keep Material Flowing

Imagine you have to empty the last few feet of material from the bottom of a silo, hopper, pit, pile, or railcar. So you plunge a nozzle into the material, but it cuts out a few moments later. 

Why? Because vacuum trucks work by pulling air (and entrained material) into the hose. Burying a hose into a pile of material cuts off the airflow, thereby reducing your up-time. 

The production nozzle eliminates that airflow problem. Think of it as a snorkel for vacuum hoses: it consists of a nozzle within a pipe. The nozzle connects to the hose. The pipe, which is usually 2 inches wider than the nozzle, is designed to stick out above the material you're removing, providing a passageway for air to reach the nozzle.

As one of many ergonomically designed and cost effective nozzles available exclusively from FS SOlutions, the production nozzle will allow operators to complete the job quickly, and efficiently.

Watch this video to see the production nozzle in action


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